Accessible activities

Welcome to experience Övertorneå. If you, your family member or friend got a disability – be it physical or mental – you can find activities that make Swedish Lapland accessible here. Övertorneå is for everyone. We hope you will enjoy!

Travel and experiences are for everyone. Welcome wheelchair users, functional diversities, physical disabilities and special needs. Welcome old and young. A warm welcome to you.


The Friendly Moose


Experience the natural beauty of Övertorneå at the heart of Swedish Lapland. The Friendly Moose makes it possible for everyone to tick off their bucket list. Do you have a disability or additional needs and dream of watching the northern lights from a dog sled? Or perhaps you want to encounter wildlife, swoosh down a snowy slope or learn more about the Sámi culture? This is for you.

Paul and Maria Roberts at The Friendly Moose have the understanding, knowledge, and experience to meet every guest on their own terms, be it a physical or mental disability or other additional needs. Specialist equipment will make your holiday safe and ensure you can experience the quintessential Swedish Lapland.

Your entire trip, transfers, activities and accommodation will be taken care of, and you can tailor it to your liking. Choose between ice fishing, meeting moose and reindeer, skiing, snowmobile and northern lights safaris. There are husky sled rides, cultural experiences and the midnight sun – everything you’ve ever dreamt of.

Rantajärvi.Vildmark, barbecue.JPG

Rantajärvi Wilderness

Rantajärvi Wilderness offers accessible accommodation and experiences. The wilderness camp Naarajärvi is accessible by car and the ground is smooth for wheelchair users. You can fish in the lake from the shore thanks to an accessible pier. If you are looking for accessible and modern conference facilities, Rantajärvi Wilderness got you covered. Hold your meeting in the village of Rantajärvi and combine it with their accessible activities for a fantastic Arctic experience. There’s something for everyone at Rantajärvi Wilderness.